Is the study of Ecological Design right for you, right now? Try this quiz!
( ) yes ( ) no 1. I am personally committed to the health of the Planet.
( ) yes ( ) no 2. I would like to use my creativity to improve the quality of life.
( ) yes ( ) no 3. I have been interested in interior design/architecture for a long time, and want to develop this interest.
( ) yes ( ) no 4. I recognize that the quality of a person's environment can deeply affect them.
( ) yes ( ) no 5. I am sensitive to the environmental conditions around me.
( ) yes ( ) no 6. I would really enjoy sharing my interest in design and holistic topics with others.
( ) yes ( ) no 7. I value the feeling of "home."
( ) yes ( ) no 8. I am ready to expand my professional options.
( ) yes ( ) no 9. I believe that most people need to be more educated about the impact that they have on the environment.
( ) yes ( ) no 10. I believe that the way a person creates their home can be deep form of self-expression for them.
Tally your responses!
If you answered "YES" to 7 - 10 of these questions: the study of Ecological Design seems like a perfect fit for you.
If you answered "YES" to 4 - 6 of these questions: there is probably something of real value in this work for you, and should really find out more.
If you answered "YES" to 1 - 3 of these questions: While this might not be your main interest right now, you might still benefit from exploring these topics at some point.