The Holis Institute is a truly unique school that integrates teachings in Green Design, feng shui, and environmental psychology. This holistic curriculum gives you a new perception on the environment which can be deeply healing and sustainable.
GREEN DESIGN recognizes the importance of utilizing organic, sustainable materials in the construction and decor of our spaces. When we "Go Green", we are creating environments that both serve the Planet and serve our own best interests as well.
FENG SHUI is both an art and a science, to design spaces that align with Nature, and that empower us with life's fundamental laws of balance and harmony. With feng shui, a space can be both stylish and healthy.
ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY explores the deep, symbiotic relationship between humans and their environments. We naturally create our spaces as reflections of our own inner, emotional landscapes, and we can work with our environments to support our greatest values and needs.
The combination of these three elements can bring us into harmony with ourselves and with Nature. What is good for the Planet is ultimately what is best for us. The science of Ecological Design gives us the tools.